Sustainable and Socially Innovative Neighbourhood Development in Mixed-Use Urban Centres
The Stadtkern_PLUS project focuses on establishing resource-sharing communities within existing urban areas to create a socially inclusive and sustainable impact in the local neighbourhoods. The study and demonstration area is located in Vienna’s 2nd and 20th districts, adjacent to the urban development zones of Nordbahnhof and Nordwestbahnhof. This area also aligns with the current WieNeu+ programme zone Grätzl 20 + 2 of the City of Vienna.
Project Goals
Connecting Spaces and Users: Linking those seeking space with those offering it.
Activating Potential: Revitalising underused, monofunctional older building areas by creating locally networked, sustainability-oriented resource-sharing communities, particularly in ground-floor and base-level zones.
Community-Led Space Management: Promoting a self-managed approach to space use to encourage resilient, resource-efficient, and socially inclusive development while tackling ground-floor vacancies.
Demonstration Projects: Implementing sustainable activities that generate local value, enhance visibility, facilitate knowledge transfer, and positively impact the urban climate.
Innovative Usage and Management Models: Developing novel local models that include socially integrative and democratic measures, supported by digital tools for networking and empowering local actors.
Challenges and Context
Lack of Ground-Floor Zone Management: Unlike in newly developed areas like Seestadt Aspern or Nordbahnviertel, ithere are no comparable models in existing neighbourhoods for curating ground floor uses and avoiding and eliminating vacancies.
Barriers for Small Enterprises: Fragmented, monofunctional structures and highly capitalised spaces in older urban areas are unaffordable for small businesses and less appealing due to limited social networks.
Spatial Separation: Social and technological changes demand forward-thinking measures to counteract the spatial separation of living and working areas.
Integration with WieNeu+: The project activities are embedded within the City of Vienna’s WieNeu+ urban renewal programme and supported by a network of local stakeholders.
Project Consortium
future.lab Research Center TU Wien (Konsortialführung)
Forschungsbereich Rechtswissenschaften TU Wien
die morgenjungs GmbH
Volkshilfe Wien
MA 25 Stadt Wien in collaboration with Gebietsbetreuung Stadterneuerung - Stadtteilbüro für die Bezirke 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 20
In Cooperation With
Kreative Räume Wien
Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Project team future.lab
Christian Peer
Mara Haas
The project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and carried out as part of the „Leuchttürme für resiliente Städte 2040 - Ausschreibung 2021“ program. The duration is 36 months (03/2022 - 02/2025).