
Sustainable and Socially Innovative Quarter Development in a Mixed-Use City Center

In the Stadtkern_PLUS project, resource communities are established in old buildings with the intention to have a social, inclusive, and sustainable impact on the neighborhood. The research and demonstration area is located in the 2nd and 20th districts of Vienna. It borders on the Nord- and the Nordwestbahnhof urban development areas and is congruent with the future program area of WieNeu+ by the City of Vienna.

Project Objectives:

  • Connecting space seekers and space users.
  • Activating potentials in the monofunctional, disadvantaged old building area by establishing locally connected and sustainability-oriented resource communities in the ground floor or podium zone.
  • A user-led management of spaces aims to promote a resilient, resource-efficient and socially integrative site development while combating ground floor vacancies.
  • The concrete implementation examples (demonstrations) generate communal value through their sustainable activities on-site, their visibility, and the associated knowledge transfer, positively impacting the environment.
  • Novel local usage and operator models encompass social integrative and democracy-promoting measures, as well as digital tools for networking and empowering local stakeholders.


  • In the existing city, there is no ground floor zone management, as already tested in the new development areas of Seestadt Aspern and Nordbahnhof.
  • For interested small businesses, spatially fragmented monofunctional structures and repeatedly capitalized space offerings in the existing city are unaffordable and social networks lacking diversity are less attractive.
  • Social and technological changes require sustainable measures and models to counteract further spatial separation of living and working.
  • Integration into the concurrently ongoing urban renewal program WieNeu+ by the City of Vienna and a network of local stakeholders.


Project Consortium:

future.lab Research Center TU Wien (Konsortialführung)
Forschungsbereich Rechtswissenschaften TU Wien
die morgenjungs GmbH
Volkshilfe Wien
MA 25 Stadt Wien gemeinsam mit Gebietsbetreuung Stadterneuerung - Stadtteilbüro für die Bezirke 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 20

In Cooperation With:

Kreative Räume Wien
Wirtschaftsagentur Wien
Wirtschaftskammer Wien


Chrisian Peer (Projektleitung)

Elena Freisleben

Mara Haas

Laura Sandner

The project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and carried out as part of the „Leuchttürme für resiliente Städte 2040 - Ausschreibung 2021“ program. The duration is 36 months (03/2022 - 02/2025).