Collaborative Housing in a Pandemic Era

In the research project CO-HOPE we explore collaborative housing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related social challenges in a transnational, inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation.

What preconditions and approaches enable residents of co-housing projects to cope with the COVID-19-crisis? What transformation processes and potentials have been triggered by the crisis? And what participatory spatial developments underlie these communities that could make them more resilient? These and many other questions we want to explore in the CO-HOPE project.

In particular, the research project aims to identify potentials of co-housing projects that contribute to attractive, inclusive and just urban spaces. The resulting recommendations for decision-makers will enable scaling up urban transformation capacities and innovations in the sense of Henri Lefebvre's concept of the "right to the city", which is a key element of the common conceptual framework.

Three case studies of co-housing projects will be carried out in each country of the consortium. Building on the collected data, a co-creative participation process will be carried out together with practice partners to design an ideal co-housing model that particularly integrates affordability and health aspects. A major objective is to develop an international capacity building program that goes beyond the university context.

Project partners from research and practice of five countries are part of the inter- and transdisciplinary research project, which is funded within the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe. The future.lab Research Center is part of the Austrian project consortium, which is led by Robert Temel and cooperates with the practice partners Urban Innovation Vienna (UIV) and the


Lund University (SE): Department of Human Geography, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Department of Health Sciences, School Social Work (SE), The municipality of Lund (SE), Kollektivhus Nu (SE), Ferrum arkitekter AB (SE), Arkitektgården AB (SE), Sensus Studieförbund Region Skåne-Blekinge (SE), Robert Temel (AT), Technische Universität Wien future.lab Research Center, Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung (AT), Initiative Gemeinsam Bauen & Wohnen (AT), Urban Innovation Vienna (AT), Universidad de Sevilla (ES), Municipal de Vivienda, Suelo y Equipamiento de Sevilla S.A. (Municipal Housing Company, Municipality of Sevilla) (ES), “Municipality of Sevilla; EMVISESA;, Taller Ecosocial Habitat4 (ES), Tampere University (FI), University of Lyon, Lyon School of Urban Anthropocene Studies (FR), Coordin’action du Mouvement National de l’Habitat Participatif (Habitat Participatif France) (FR), Hal’âge (FR), L’Epok (FR), UrbaMonde-France (FR)

future.lab Project Staff
Christian Peer 
Ruth Höpler

Further Informations
JPI Urban Europe

Credits Header-Immage: Co-Housing Gleis 21
Architecture: einszu  eins architektur
Developer: Schwarzatal
Social Support: realitylab
Photo: Hertha Hurnaus