4.2 Publishing, publications

Mandatory publication of theses

In Austria, a doctoral thesis is subject to mandatory publication. The printed version is stored in the TU Vienna Library as well as in the National Library. In addition, an electronic copy of the doctoral thesis has to be submitted to TU Wien. The final graded digital version of the doctoral thesis is uploaded digitally via TISS by the supervisor. The thesis is published online through the open access platform of TU Wien: reposiTUm. For more information, please click here.

To ensure your scientific work is accessible to all individuals without restriction, it is important to consider the accessibility of your PDF. For more information, please click here.

Important note: publishing houses generally only accept unpublished manuscripts for publication. Therefore, doctoral thesis that have already been published online (via TU reposiTUm, TU Library) are difficult to publish with publishers. To ensure that you can publish your doctoral thesis as a first -time author with TU Academic Press or another publisher, it is strongly recommended to prevent public access to both the print and online versions of your work! Deferral can be applied for at the Dean's Office and is valid for a maximum of 5 years. For more information, please click here.

If you have written a cumulative doctoral thesis consisting of journal articles, special attention must be paid to the rights of the publishers and applicable rules must be made clear. If you, the author, own the rights to your articles, republication in the thesis will not be problematic. For more information, please click here.

Further information provided by the TU Wien Library on publishing, such as: open access and copyright; publishing books, journals, or articles; manuscript and proofreading; and research data can be found here.

Publication by a publishing house

In addition to the obligation to publish the doctoral thesis at the TU (online), it is possible or even recommended to have it published by a publishing house.

TU Wien Academic Press 
The TU Wien Academic Press is a scientific open-access publisher; it is a service operated by the TU Wien Library and promotes an open scientific and publication culture. The press publishes books from the entire spectrum of disciplines at TU Vienna by members of the university. Further information can be found on the TU Wien website and the TU Wien Academic Press website.

The classic format is the open-access e-book—a professional publication in electronic form that is freely available for download on the internet and protected by license. This option is free of charge and thus assists scientists in accordance with the Open Access Policy of the TU Wien. Optionally, the publication and distribution of print publications are also available. Further information on profile, publishing policy, and services can be found in this pdf.

Funding opportunities for publishing books

Within the framework of planned book publications, the TU Wien Academic Press promotes individual measures that: improve the reception of a book (foreign-language editing, licensing fees for illustrations, or ); cover the printing costs of outstanding doctoral thesis; promote book publications within the framework of international programmes; or support knowledge and innovation transfer. Further information can be found here.

An overview of Austrian funding bodies, such as the ÖFG, the MA7, and the FWF, and of funding in the federal province can be found in this compilation by the TU Wien Academic Press.

Printing subsidies from the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG)

The printing of works — mainly by not yet established academics — dealing with all fields of scientific research can be subsidized under the following conditions: high scientific quality, first publication, new research findings, or an unreasonably high cost to the author. For more information, please click here.

Relevant documents 

You will find the following documents and forms in the general download area

  • Guidance on Writing a Doctoral thesis