Evidence-Based Design Support


Evidence-Based Design Support


Milica  Vujovic, Ulrich Pont

Rechearch Unit

Research Unit of Digital Architecture and Planning, Research Unit of Building Physics and Building Ecology (Institute of Architectural Sciences)


066 444 Building Science and Environment






Leveraging empirical data and research-driven insights allows architects and engineers to assess and improve various aspects such as energy efficiency, occupant well-being, and sustainability. This approach enables evidence-based decision-making for retrofitting, renovation, and adaptive reuse projects, ensuring that existing buildings align with contemporary standards and contribute to a more resilient and livable urban environment.

This course delves into the realm of Evidence-based design (EBD) within the field of architecture, with a specific focus on its practical applications in healthcare, education, retail, and residential domains. Through lectures and exercises, students will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively gather evidence from various sources, including real-world practice, relevant literature, and expert insights.

The curriculum encompasses both fundamental and advanced methods and tools employed in EBD. The course incorporates comprehensive case studies that illustrate successful implementations of EBD in diverse contexts. In addition, students will explore the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, enabling them to understand how AI can augment the evidence-collection process.

The skills acquired through this seminar will empower students to apply EBD principles in creating healing environments, optimizing learning spaces, improving retail designs, and innovating in residential structures. Ultimately, the course aims to equip students with the necessary tools to prioritize user well-being when designing architectural spaces.